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Although Qualicy Industries supplies Silica Sand across the whole spectrum of its uses, we specialize in Foundry Sand. Ferrous and Non ferrous casting industries need Silica Sand which not only has high refractoriness ( Fusion Point> 1650 oC), Acid neutrality, chemical inertness and freedom from clay but also semi rounded and smooth grains with specific Grain distribution. Kolayat region in Bikaner District (Rajasthan) is blessed with this type of sand. Geologically, it is of Tertiary formation origin and formed when this area was believed to be under water millions of year ago. It occurs in bands alternating with Ball clay strata over a region greater than 1600 Sq Kms. Although occurring in abundance, selective mining and specialized scrub washing is needed to take care of carbonate and argilliceous impurities to make this sand commercially superior.
Water Filtration and Purification industry is another great market for our Silica sand. Carefully sorted and washed Silica sand grains are used as Filter Media and Kolayat region is a huge mandi for this product. Another big market for our sand is the Pesticide Industry which uses this smooth textured Sand as kernel for their pesticides.
Silica sand also finds a major use as Frac sand/Proppant in the Petroleum Industry. Chemical purity, grain roundness, high crush resistance and other rheological characteristics are critical for Frac Sand. Our Silica sand is very suitable for this use but this market is still in a nascent stage. With further development of the petroleum industry in Rajasthan, this market is set to grow quite substantially.